decimal notation for 19% is 0.19 right?

fraction notation for 38%is 19/50 right?
percent notation for 0.382 is 38.2% right?

all are correct, i believe


Yes, you are correct! The decimal notation for 19% is indeed 0.19. To convert a percentage to a decimal, simply divide the percentage by 100. So, 19 divided by 100 equals 0.19.

The fraction notation for 38% is also correct. To convert a percentage to a fraction, we can write the percentage as a fraction with the numerator as the given percentage and the denominator as 100. So, 38% as a fraction can be written as 38/100. Simplifying this fraction gives us 19/50.

Lastly, you are also correct with the percent notation for 0.382. To convert a decimal to a percentage, we multiply the decimal by 100 and add the percent symbol ("%"). So, 0.382 multiplied by 100 is 38.2. Therefore, 0.382 as a percent is 38.2%.