Four friends share 1/2 of a pan of brownies. If each friend eats an equal portion, what fraction of the pan of brownies will each friend eat?

Is the answer 1/4?

1/8 then?

yo the answer is 1/4

good jod goku

thank you naurto

good bro

sur ms. sue the answer susan is a dummy

Susan did you ever get the answer to this question?

The answer is not 1/4. To find the fraction of the pan of brownies that each friend will eat, we need to divide 1/2 by the number of friends, which is 4.

To divide a fraction by a whole number, we can multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number.

So, we have (1/2) * (1/4).

To multiply fractions, we simply multiply the numerators and the denominators.

(1/2) * (1/4) = (1 * 1) / (2 * 4) = 1/8

Therefore, each friend will eat 1/8 of the pan of brownies.


(1/2) / 4
(1/2) * (1/4) = ?