Mike is 11 years old. Jim is twice as old as Mike. When Jim is 50 years old, how old will Mike be?

MikeFuture = X

MikeNow = 11
JimFuture = 50
JimNow = MikeNow x 2 = 22

Formula would be:
JimFuture-JimNow = MikeFuture-MikeNow

JimFuture-JimNow+MikeNow = MikeFuture
50-22+11 = MikeFuture

MikeFuture = 39






Clearly it's 25 (50/2). Y'all so dumb

2 * 11 = 22

Jim is 11 years older than Mike.

Take it from there.

To find out how old Mike will be when Jim is 50 years old, we need to determine Jim's current age and the age difference between Mike and Jim.

Given that Mike is currently 11 years old, we can determine Jim's age by multiplying Mike's age by 2, since Jim is twice as old as Mike. Therefore, Jim's current age is 11 x 2 = 22 years old.

To find the age difference between Mike and Jim, we subtract Mike's age from Jim's age: 22 - 11 = 11 years.

Since the age difference between Mike and Jim is constant, we can conclude that Mike will always be 11 years younger than Jim.

Therefore, when Jim is 50 years old, Mike will be 50 - 11 = 39 years old.

A biker travel 5 feet in o.5 seconds. At this exact speed how far will the biker travel in a minute.