In general, a book should not be used as source material if it is more than four years old. (An exception to this rule might be historical research). Why is it important to support assertions with relatively current information?

In this information age, especially in scientific areas, new discoveries are made rather frequently. Some of these discoveries may contradict previously held ideas.

(We no longer think that the earth is flat, do we?)

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

It is generally advised not to use a book that is more than four years old as a source material, except for historical research, because it is important to support assertions with relatively current information. Here's why:

1. Currency of Information: The information landscape is constantly evolving, and new research, discoveries, and developments occur regularly. Using relatively current information helps ensure that your assertions are based on the most up-to-date and accurate data available.

2. Accuracy and Reliability: Older books may contain outdated information, incorrect theories, or perspectives that have been challenged or disproven over time. By relying on more recent sources, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your assertions.

3. Changing Context: The world is dynamic, and societal, political, economic, and technological contexts can change significantly over time. Using current information allows you to consider the latest context and make more relevant and informed assertions.

4. Credibility and Academic Standards: Using current sources demonstrates that you have engaged with the most recent research and scholarly discourse on the topic. It strengthens the credibility of your assertions and reflects adherence to academic standards, which prioritize reliance on up-to-date information.

To support assertions with relatively current information, it is important to consider a range of sources such as scholarly articles, reputable websites, research papers, and conference proceedings. These sources often provide the most recent research and findings. Additionally, staying up to date with academic journals, news outlets, and online databases will help you access the latest information in your field of interest.