need help solving this word problem, converting from words to an equation

48 equals a number increased by 6, and the sum, all multiplied by 5.

I have the answer, but I am unable to set up an equation.
answer - x=3 3/5

x is the number

(x+6)*5 = 48
5x + 30 = 48
5x = 18
x = 18/5

There is no minus sign in front of the x, as you have written in your last line.

To convert the given word problem into an equation, follow these steps:

1. Identify the unknown quantity: In this problem, the unknown quantity is the number we are trying to find, which we can represent as "x".

2. Translate the given information into algebraic terms:
- "48 equals a number increased by 6" can be written as: x + 6 = 48
- "the sum, all multiplied by 5" refers to the entire sum being multiplied by 5.

3. Write the equation: Combining the information, we get the equation: 5(x + 6) = 48

4. Simplify the equation: Distribute the 5 to both terms within the parentheses:
5x + 30 = 48

5. Solve for x: Isolate the variable x by subtracting 30 from both sides of the equation:
5x + 30 - 30 = 48 - 30
5x = 18

6. Divide both sides by 5 to solve for x:
x = 18 / 5
x = 3.6

Therefore, the answer to the word problem is x = 3.6 or 3 3/5.