How do you tell if an event is as likely as not.(probability)

When the probability is .5, it is as likely or not.

What does that mean

look up the word probability.

To determine if an event is as likely as not, you need to evaluate its probability. The probability of an event is expressed as a value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates an impossible event, 1 denotes a certain event, and 0.5 represents an event that is equally likely to occur or not occur.

To calculate the probability of an event, you would need to consider the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes. Here's a step-by-step process:

1. Define the event: Clearly define the specific event you are interested in. For example, if you are flipping a fair coin, the event could be obtaining heads.

2. Identify the possible outcomes: Determine all the possible outcomes for the particular event. In the coin flipping example, the possible outcomes are heads or tails.

3. Count the favorable outcomes: Determine how many of the possible outcomes would result in the event occurring. In the coin flipping example, there is only one favorable outcome, which is getting heads.

4. Count the total outcomes: Determine the total number of possible outcomes for the event. In the coin flipping example, there are two possible outcomes (heads and tails).

5. Calculate the probability: Divide the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. In the coin flipping example, the probability of getting heads would be 1 (favorable outcome) divided by 2 (total outcomes), resulting in a probability of 0.5.

If the calculated probability is 0.5, then the event is considered equally likely as not. This means that the event has an equal chance of occurring or not occurring.