This is dividing Rational Numbers....

I forgot how to do this...

22x + 10 / 2

45 - 5x / 5

-15 + 21a / -3

I forgot how to do this seriously..

you divide each term, for instance on the last...


-15/-3 + 21a/-3

5 -7a

But how do you get the (-) minus sign from the (+) addition sign...????

To divide rational numbers, you'll need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Simplify any expressions inside parentheses, if applicable.
Step 2: Simplify any exponents, if applicable.
Step 3: Perform multiplication or division from left to right.
Step 4: Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.

Now, let's divide the given rational numbers.

1. (22x + 10) / 2:
Since there are no exponents or parentheses, you can proceed with division directly. Divide each term inside the parentheses by 2:
(22x / 2) + (10 / 2) = 11x + 5.

2. (45 - 5x) / 5:
Again, there are no exponents or parentheses. Divide each term inside the parentheses by 5:
(45 / 5) - (5x / 5) = 9 - x.

3. (-15 + 21a) / -3:
Similarly, divide each term inside the parentheses by -3:
(-15 / -3) + (21a / -3) = 5 - 7a.

So, the simplified forms of the given rational numbers after division are:
1. (22x + 10) / 2 = 11x + 5.
2. (45 - 5x) / 5 = 9 - x.
3. (-15 + 21a) / -3 = 5 - 7a.