I got a biology project that's about the excretory system & I have to write the word excretory & draw pictures inside of the word that compares it to real life. What pictures can something be compared that involves with the system?

You find lots of ideas here.


When it comes to comparing the excretory system with objects or phenomena from real life, you can consider various options to create meaningful and relevant imagery. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Kidneys: The kidneys are a vital part of the excretory system, responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. You can draw pictures of filters used in everyday life, such as water purifiers or air filters, to demonstrate the kidney's function.

2. Bladder: The bladder stores urine before it is eliminated from the body. You can draw a water balloon or a storage tank to represent the bladder's role in temporarily holding waste products.

3. Ureters: These are tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder. To visualize this, you can draw pipelines or even a water slide to represent the continuous flow of urine.

4. Urethra: The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. You can liken it to a drainpipe or a water channel leading to a drain, symbolizing the elimination of waste.

5. Sweat Glands: While not directly part of the excretory system, sweat glands play a role in eliminating waste products and regulating body temperature. Representing them as sweat droplets could be a relevant addition to your drawing.

Remember to be creative and think about objects or phenomena that illustrate the functions or structures of the excretory system. You can also consider using colors, labels, or captions to further clarify the comparisons you make.