The grocery store has bulk pecans on sale, which is great since you're planning on making 8 pecan pies for a wedding. How many pounds of pecans should you buy?

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How many pecans are needed for each pie? Your recipe calls for
134 cups pecans per pie. But there is no cup measure available, only a scale.
How many pecans are in a pound? Perhaps the nutritional info from a bag of pecans would be helpful.

You will need to buy
pounds of pecans.


To determine how many pounds of pecans you should buy, you need to find out how many pecans are needed for each pie and how many pecans are in a pound.

The given information states that each pie requires 1 3/4 cups of pecans. Since you don't have a cup measure available, you can look for the nutritional information on a bag of pecans.

Once you find the nutritional information, look for the serving size in grams or ounces and the number of pecans per serving. Divide the number of pecans per serving by the serving size to find the number of pecans per gram or ounce.

Next, determine the weight of 1 3/4 cups of pecans by converting the cups to either grams or ounces. Use a conversion chart or an online converter to convert the volume to weight.

Finally, divide the weight of 1 3/4 cups of pecans by the number of pecans per gram or ounce to find out how many pecans are needed for each pie.

Once you have that information, you can multiply the number of pecans needed for each pie by the total number of pies (which is 8) to determine the total number of pecans needed.

Finally, to calculate the number of pounds of pecans needed, divide the total number of pecans needed by the number of pecans in a pound.

Apologies for not being able to provide a specific answer, as the information regarding the weight of the pecans and the pecans per serving size is not available.

To determine how many pounds of pecans you should buy, we need to find out how many pecans are needed for each pie.

Since your recipe calls for 1 3/4 cups of pecans per pie, and you only have a scale available, we need to find out how many pecans are in a pound.

To do this, we can refer to the nutritional information from a bag of pecans, which typically includes the weight of the pecans in a serving size.

Once we know the weight of the serving size, we can calculate how many servings are in a pound. This will give us the amount of pecans in one pound.

Let's say a serving size of pecans is 1 ounce. In this case, there are 16 ounces in one pound. Therefore, there are 16 servings of pecans in one pound.

Now, since your recipe calls for 1 3/4 cups of pecans per pie, we can convert this to ounces.

If we assume that 1 cup of pecans weighs 8 ounces, then 1 3/4 cups would be 14 ounces.

So, for each pie, you would need 14 ounces of pecans.

Since you are planning on making 8 pies, you would need a total of 8 times 14 ounces of pecans.

Therefore, you will need to buy pounds of pecans.