Use the chart titled "Population Growth in New York City, 1800-1890", to answer the following question.

Between 1800 and 1890, the population of New York City changed by about how many people?

A. Decreased by more than three-quarters

B. Increased more than two million****

C. Decreased by less than two million

D. fell by more than half

5. Philadelphia was one of the first

A. Planned cities in the United States****

B. Cities that banned textile factories
(idk why these two are the same answers that is what was on my homework so that's what I typed)
C. Cities that banned textile factories

D. States that begin as a U.S. city

I got all of them right thanks again!!

Yay! Good work!

Your answers are correct (although I can't see your chart, NYC certainly did not decrease in size!).

Thanks!! Can you help me with one more?

Map of boston in 1814

As population increased, The borders of Boston

A. Remained the same

B. Shrunk to include less areas

C. Expanded to include more area****

D. Changed shape but retained the same size

what is the chart titled "Population Growth in New York City, 1800-1890",

to answer the following question.

To answer the first question, we need to refer to the chart titled "Population Growth in New York City, 1800-1890." This chart will provide us with the necessary information to determine how the population of New York City changed during that period.

As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific charts or data. However, you can look up the chart titled "Population Growth in New York City, 1800-1890" online or in your study materials. The chart should display the population numbers for each year within that time frame.

To find the answer to the question, identify the population in 1800 and then subtract it from the population in 1890. This will give you the change in population over the course of those years. If the answer is an increase of more than two million people, then option B would be the correct answer.

For the second question, about Philadelphia being one of the first planned cities in the United States, the correct answer is A. Planned cities in the United States. This means that Philadelphia was intentionally designed and laid out according to a specific plan or blueprint.