Teresa has 4 flower pots in 4 different designs. She likes to display her flower pots in different positions on her window sill. How many different ways can she place her flower pots.

Let's see..

4 choices for the first pot in the row, times 3 for the second choice, etc.

Looks like 4x3x2x1 = 4! is the answer. What do you think?


To determine the number of different ways Teresa can place her flower pots on her window sill, we need to calculate the number of possible arrangements.

Since Teresa has 4 flower pots in 4 different designs, the first pot can be placed in any of the 4 positions on the window sill. Once the first pot is in place, there are 3 positions remaining for the second pot. Similarly, there are 2 positions remaining for the third pot, and only 1 position remaining for the fourth pot.

To calculate the total number of arrangements, we can multiply the number of choices for each pot together:

4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24

Therefore, Teresa can place her flower pots in 24 different ways on her window sill.

To find the number of different ways Teresa can place her flower pots on the window sill, we can use the concept of permutations.

In this case, we have 4 flower pots and 4 different positions on the window sill. Let's consider each position as a distinct spot.

To calculate the number of different ways, we can multiply the number of choices for each position. Since Teresa has 4 different flower pots, she has 4 choices for the first position, 3 choices for the second position (as the first pot will already occupy one spot), 2 choices for the third position, and 1 choice for the fourth position.

So, the total number of different ways Teresa can place her flower pots is:

4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24

Therefore, Teresa can place her flower pots in 24 different ways on her window sill.