How do I learn English good?

Take English classes.

Read English books and articles.
Talk with English-speaking people.

Any good websites I can use?

Honestly, my greatest dream is to be able to speak it and write fluently.
On the other hand. I feel like I haven't improved all these years.

To learn English well, you can follow these steps:

1. Build a strong foundation in English grammar: Start by understanding the basic grammatical rules such as verb tenses, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, and parts of speech. You can find grammar textbooks or online resources to study from.

2. Expand your vocabulary: Regularly learn new words and phrases. Read books, newspapers, or online articles in English to expose yourself to different contexts and vocabulary. Make use of vocabulary-building apps or flashcards to practice and memorize words.

3. Practice speaking and listening: Find opportunities to speak English with native or fluent speakers. Engage in conversations, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable at first. Practice listening to English podcasts, music, or videos to improve your comprehension skills.

4. Develop your reading skills: Read a variety of texts, such as novels, short stories, news articles, or blogs. Start with simpler materials and gradually move on to more complex ones. Practice reading aloud to improve pronunciation and fluency.

5. Enhance your writing skills: Start by writing simple sentences and gradually progress to more complex paragraphs and essays. Seek feedback from others, such as teachers or native English speakers, to help you identify areas for improvement.

6. Immerse yourself in the English language: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Watch movies or TV shows in English, listen to English radio or podcasts, and try to think in English when possible. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the faster you will improve.

7. Take courses or join language exchange programs: Consider enrolling in English courses or language exchange programs that provide structured lessons and opportunities to practice with others. These programs often offer feedback and guidance from qualified instructors.

Remember that learning a language takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself and practice regularly. Setting specific goals and tracking your progress will help you stay motivated and measure your improvement over time.