Who found a way to kill germs in what year.


sorry Katelynne, I didn't see 3rd grade. You can read that page in the book but it was...

Dr Samuel Lister, in 1865. He based his technique on something as simple as handwashing discovered a few years before. The above article is really interesting.

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The discovery of killing germs can be attributed to several scientists and inventors throughout history. However, one breakthrough discovery in germ-killing techniques came about in the late 19th century.

In the year 1867, a Hungarian physician named Ignaz Semmelweis proposed the idea that proper hand hygiene could prevent the spread of disease. He noticed that by requiring doctors to wash their hands with chlorinated lime solution before attending to patients, the spread of infection significantly reduced. Despite facing criticism and skepticism at the time, Semmelweis' work laid the foundation for modern hygiene practices.

Another significant milestone in germ killing occurred in the late 19th century with the discovery of antiseptics. In 1865, British surgeon Joseph Lister started using carbolic acid as an antiseptic during surgeries. This practice greatly reduced the risk of post-operative infections and promoted healing. Lister's work revolutionized surgical practices and paved the way for the development of modern antiseptics.

It's important to note that the understanding and advancements in killing germs have been ongoing since then, with the development of antibiotics by Alexander Fleming in the 20th century being another groundbreaking milestone. This discovery brought about a new era in fighting bacterial infections.

Overall, the concept of killing germs and preventing the spread of diseases has been a collective effort over the years by various scientists, pioneers, and medical professionals.