Julia measured the high temperature in her town for one week. Using the chart below, find the mean absolute deviation for the high temperatures. Be sure to show your work for finding:

graph:sunday:50 monday:56 tuesday:52 wednesday:46 thursday:48 friday:42 saturday:38

I’m pretty sure this is correct. Explanation:

49 + 55 + 52 + 46 + 47 + 42 + 38 = 329
There are seven values, so divide by seven.
329 / 7 = 47
47 is the mean
Now you find the differences from values to the mean.
49 - 47 = 2
55 - 47 = 8
52 - 47 = 5
47 - 46 = 1
47 - 47 = 0
47 - 42 = 5
47 - 38 = 9
You then add all the differences, which will get you 30.
Then divide 30 by the number of differences which is 7.
30 / 7 = 4.2857

First just find the mean the find the absolute deviation then you have your answer. and if you don't know how to find the mean then here's the definition Mean is where you add all the numbers in the data set together then divide the sum by how many numbers are in the number set

the answer is 4.724 if u do it correctly.

Thank you "Answer", ill try it.

How do you work the problem out to find the answer 4.724?

wow that question was asked three years ago.! i feel bad for the person that asked in the first plase. and just so you know it is now answer three years later

well I want the answer, not the explanation

Xd i dont got the answer but i know how to do it

get noob :(