How to get good grades and learn about reality.?

Thesis: there are variety ways of getting good grades and learning about reality. One way to get good grades is by studying and working hard every day that will leads to higher grades average. Working hard is giving students reality that nothing comes easyChoose one of the topics above and1. Identify the main divisions of the topic2. outline the essay3. write details for the thesis you wrote in the above discussionI choose the topic How to get good grades and learn about reality. so how to use it with the three directions above and do i need to change my thesis

this is how my teacher wants it. so could someone please help me I need this today ASAP.

You should list the details or include them clearly in the outline. Outlines should be as follows:

I. Major Heading
A. Subheading
1. This is where the details appear. The
subheadings do not serve as all of
the supporting details.
a. further details to explain (1) as necessary.
This is more for something that is very detailed.

First of all, you haven't written a thesis statement. You have written a series of introductory sentences. Take a look at all the examples and corrections here, and then write a true thesis statement which has both factual information AND YOUR OPINION ABOUT IT. (Your opinion is your position or your stance.)

These may be helpful, too.

To apply the given directions to the topic "How to get good grades and learn about reality," you can follow the following structure for your essay:

I. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the topic of getting good grades and learning about reality.
- Include your thesis statement: "There are a variety of ways to get good grades and learn about reality, and one effective approach is through consistent studying and hard work."

II. Ways to get good grades
A. Subheading: Study effectively
1. Develop a study schedule and stick to it consistently.
a. Further details to explain (1): Allocate specific time slots for each subject or topic.
b. Further details to explain (2): Implement active learning techniques like summarizing information or teaching someone else.
2. Create a conducive study environment that minimizes distractions.
3. Take breaks during study sessions to improve focus and prevent burnout.

B. Subheading: Utilize available resources
1. Take advantage of textbooks, online resources, and educational apps relevant to your subjects.
2. Seek help from teachers, tutors, or classmates when encountering challenges or unclear concepts.
3. Engage in group study sessions to foster collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

III. Learning about reality
A. Subheading: Apply knowledge practically
1. Connect what you learn in the classroom to real-world situations or examples.
2. Seek opportunities for internships, job shadowing, or volunteering to gain hands-on experience related to your academic interests.
3. Participate in extracurricular activities or clubs that align with your field of interest.

B. Subheading: Foster critical thinking
1. Analyze and evaluate information from multiple sources to form well-rounded perspectives.
2. Engage in debates or discussions that challenge your beliefs and expand your understanding of different viewpoints.
3. Develop research skills to gather reliable information and separate facts from opinions.

IV. Conclusion
- Reinforce the importance of consistent study habits and hard work in achieving good grades and gaining a deeper understanding of reality.
- Restate your thesis statement.

By following this outline, you will have a clear structure for your essay that includes the main divisions and supporting details. It is not necessary to change your thesis statement as it adequately addresses the topic of getting good grades and learning about reality.