Kathy drove 305 miles on Sunday and 190 miles on Monday. What is the average speed in miles per hour for the two days?

total distance/total tme

total time is48 hours, if it were full days.

Kathy drove 305 miles on Sunday and 190 miles on Monday. What is the average speed in miles per hour for the two days?

Looking for the average speed in miles per hour for the two days not the total hours in two days.

again, avg speed=total distance/total time

= 495/48=10.3 mph

To find the average speed, we need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

First, we need to calculate the total distance traveled. Kathy drove 305 miles on Sunday and 190 miles on Monday, so the total distance is 305 + 190 = 495 miles.

Now, we need to determine the total time taken. Since we only have the distance for each day, we need to know how long Kathy spent driving each day. Without this information, it is not possible to calculate the average speed accurately.