Jawless fishes and salamanders are alike in that both types of animals

A. are amphibians
B. have backbones
C. have fins
D. are smooth skinned organisms

B or D

Definitely B

What's the answer?

The correct answer is B. Both jawless fishes and salamanders have backbones.

To determine the correct answer, let's compare the characteristics of jawless fishes and salamanders.

Jawless fishes, such as lampreys and hagfishes, belong to a group called Agnatha. They are primitive fish that lack jaws and true paired fins. Instead, they have a circular mouth with rows of teeth, which they use to attach themselves to other fish and feed on their blood or tissues. Jawless fishes also have smooth, slimy skin.

Salamanders, on the other hand, are amphibians and belong to the order Caudata. They have backbones, which means they have a vertebral column. Salamanders also have four legs and a slimy, moist skin that helps them in respiration through their skin. Some salamanders possess fins on their tail, which are used for swimming.

Comparing the characteristics, it can be concluded that salamanders have backbones (B) since they are amphibians, which are vertebrates. However, jawless fishes are not amphibians, and they do not possess backbones. Therefore, the correct answer is not B.

Based on the description, both jawless fishes and salamanders have smooth skin (D). Salamanders have slimy skin that aids in respiration, while jawless fishes have smooth, slimy skin to adapt to their aquatic environment. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

In conclusion, both jawless fishes and salamanders are alike in that both types of animals have smooth skin (D).