Cecily made a poster in the shape of a quadrilateral. All the angles and sides of the poster are congruent. Which of the following names the shape of Cecily's poster

A. Square**

B. Rectangle

C. Pentagon

D. Trapezoid


happy birthday welcome to the world of 13


February 25 is my bday!! When u made this post i was turning 8. In 15 days ill turn 13!!

Oh and thank u

To determine the shape of Cecily's poster, let's analyze the properties of the given shapes.

A. Square: A square is a quadrilateral with all four sides congruent and all four angles right angles (90 degrees).

B. Rectangle: A rectangle is a quadrilateral with opposite sides congruent and all four angles right angles.

C. Pentagon: A pentagon is a five-sided polygon, so it does not match the description of Cecily's poster.

D. Trapezoid: A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides, which is not specified in Cecily's poster.

By the given information that all the angles and sides of the poster are congruent, we can conclude that Cecily's poster is a square (Option A). All four angles are right angles, and all four sides are congruent, which aligns with the definition of a square.