The Kitchen Kompany operates on a 145% markup rate based on the cost. The markup on the store's new line of cabinets is $300 per cabinet. Find the cost of one cabinet and its selling price.



selling price=cost+markup, or =2.45*cost

To find the cost of one cabinet, we'll use the formula:

Selling Price = Cost + Markup

Given that the markup rate is 145% and the markup on one cabinet is $300, we can write this as:

$300 = Cost + 145% * Cost

We can simplify the equation by converting the markup rate to a decimal:

$300 = Cost + 1.45 * Cost

$300 = 2.45 * Cost

Now we can solve for the cost of one cabinet:

Cost = $300 / 2.45

Cost ≈ $122.45

To find the selling price, we'll use the formula:

Selling Price = Cost + Markup

Selling Price = $122.45 + 145% * $122.45

Selling Price = $122.45 + 1.45 * $122.45

Selling Price = $122.45 + $177.47

Selling Price ≈ $299.92

Therefore, the cost of one cabinet is approximately $122.45 and the selling price is approximately $299.92.

To find the cost of one cabinet, we need to first calculate the percentage of the markup.

Markup percentage = 145%

Next, we need to calculate the selling price of one cabinet.

Selling price = cost + markup

Since we know the markup on one cabinet is $300, we can use this information to calculate its cost.

Markup = $300
Markup percentage = 145%
Cost = Markup / Markup percentage

Substituting the values, we can calculate the cost:

Cost = $300 / 145%
= $300 / 0.145
= $2068.97 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that we have the cost, we can find the selling price:

Selling price = Cost + Markup
= $2068.97 + $300
= $2368.97 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the cost of one cabinet is $2068.97, and the selling price is $2368.97.