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its just capital letters. no need to make a big deal =P

Medieval sword fighting refers to the combat techniques and skills used in Europe during the Middle Ages (approximately the 5th to the 15th century). It was a fundamental aspect of warfare and individual combat during this time.

To understand medieval sword fighting, it's helpful to break it down into a few key components:

1. Swords: Swords were the primary weapons used in medieval combat. There were various types of swords, such as longswords, arming swords, and swords. Each type had its own characteristics and intended use. Understanding the features and techniques associated with different types of swords is crucial.

2. Stances and Guards: Medieval sword fighting involved adopting specific stances and guards for defense and offense. These positions varied based on the situation, opponent, and the type of sword being used. Examples of common stances include the typical guard position, the longpoint, and the hanging guard.

3. Strikes and Attacks: A variety of strikes and attacks were used during sword fighting. These included thrusts, cuts, slices, parries, and counterattacks. Knowledge of these maneuvers and their proper execution was essential for success in combat.

4. Footwork: Footwork played a crucial role in medieval sword fighting. It involved moving around the battlefield or dueling area, maintaining balance, and being able to execute maneuvers effectively. Different footwork techniques allowed fighters to exploit advantages and make use of the terrain.

5. Defense and Protection: In addition to offense, understanding defense and protection techniques was vital. This included blocking incoming attacks with the sword, dodging or evading strikes, and utilizing armor or shields for additional protection.

To learn more about medieval sword fighting, you can:

1. Study Historical Texts: Many manuals and treatises from the medieval period exist, written by fencing masters. These texts provide detailed instructions on various sword fighting techniques and strategies. Some notable examples include Fiore dei Liberi's "Fior di Battaglia" and Joachim Meyer's "Gründtliche Beschreibung der Kunst des Fechtens."

2. Join a Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) Club: HEMA clubs and schools dedicated to recreating medieval martial arts have emerged in recent years. These organizations offer training sessions, workshops, and sparring opportunities where you can learn and practice medieval sword fighting techniques under the guidance of experienced instructors.

3. Watch Demonstrations and Tournaments: Attending or watching demonstrations or tournaments can provide valuable insights into the techniques and skills used in medieval sword fighting. Numerous events worldwide showcase historical fencing and reenactments, allowing you to observe the techniques in action.

Remember, learning medieval sword fighting or any form of martial arts requires proper training, discipline, and safety precautions. Always ensure that you have the necessary protective gear and train under the supervision of qualified instructors.