Identify the correct choice of word for questions 1-7.

1. Can you remember the name of the person from _______ you received this information?

a. who
b. whom
c. whose***
d. who's

2. Jen, _______ latest short story was published last week, is only 15 years old.

a. who
b. whom
c. whose***
d. who's

3. Gabi said she needed to finish her homework before helping her brother with ______.

a. he
b. he's
c. his***
d. him

4. Shana felt it was time to tell _______ the truth.

a. us***
b. we
c. our
d. ours

5. Terry and _______ have the same opinions about almost anything.

a. he
b. his
c. him***
d. he's

6. We must admit that the best players in the tournament are _______.

a. them***
b. they
c. theirs
d. their

7. Neither Luke nor Chris stepped up to help _______ friend.

a. their***
b. them
c. him
d. his

For Connexus English 9 B Unit 1 Lesson 6

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. D

1, 5, 6, 7 are wrong.

Predicate nominative pronouns must be subject pronouns.
Neither. . . nor is singular.

Is 1 b? - yes

Is 5 a? - yes
Is 6 b? - yes
Is 7 d? - yes


T is correct for me as well :) thank you!

T is still correct B]

To identify the correct choice of word for questions 1-7, we can analyze the grammatical structure of each sentence and determine the appropriate pronoun or possessive form. Here are the explanations for each question:

1. Can you remember the name of the person from _______ you received this information?

The correct choice is "c. whose". This is a relative pronoun used to show possession. In this sentence, "from" indicates that we need a possessive pronoun. "Whose" is used to show possession and is the correct choice in this context.

2. Jen, _______ latest short story was published last week, is only 15 years old.

The correct choice is "c. whose". This is a relative pronoun used to show possession. In this sentence, "whose" is used to indicate that the short story belongs to Jen.

3. Gabi said she needed to finish her homework before helping her brother with ______.

The correct choice is "c. his". "His" is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership. In this sentence, the possessive pronoun is used to indicate that Gabi will help her brother with his homework.

4. Shana felt it was time to tell _______ the truth.

The correct choice is "a. us". In this sentence, "us" is the objective pronoun used as the object of the verb "tell".

5. Terry and _______ have the same opinions about almost anything.

The correct choice is "c. him". In this sentence, "him" is the objective pronoun used to indicate that Terry and someone else share the same opinions.

6. We must admit that the best players in the tournament are _______.

The correct choice is "a. them". In this sentence, "them" is the objective pronoun used to refer to the best players in the tournament.

7. Neither Luke nor Chris stepped up to help _______ friend.

The correct choice is "a. their". "Their" is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership. In this sentence, it is used to indicate that Luke and Chris did not help their friend.


Is 1 b?
Is 5 a?
Is 6 b?
Is 7 d?

1 is b

5 is a
6 is b
7 is d

You are now all correct.

T is correct! I just got a 100%. Thx man