The square root of 18 is between which of the following pairs of numbers?

(1) 1.8 and 1.9
(2) 3 and 4
(3) 4 and 5
(4) 5 and 6
(5) 17 and 19
I think the answer is (1) ????


Here are the first few perfect squares.
4, 9, 16, 25, 36

What is the square root of each of those numbers?

Yes. You're right.

So -- The square root of 18 is between which of the following pairs of numbers?

3 and 4 Ms. Sue so my answer is #2 ??? right

oops, its 4 and 5 ? so answer#3

my correction

Yes, it's between 4 and 5 -- so the answer is # 3.

oh thank you Ms. Sue so awesome

You're very welcome, mg. :-)

To determine which pair of numbers the square root of 18 falls between, we can calculate the square root of 18 and compare it to the given options.

The square root of 18 is approximately 4.24. Let's check which pair of numbers contains this value:
- Option (1) 1.8 and 1.9: 1.8 is too small, and 1.9 is smaller than 4.24, so option (1) is not correct.
- Option (2) 3 and 4: Both 3 and 4 are smaller than 4.24, so option (2) is not correct.
- Option (3) 4 and 5: 4 is smaller than 4.24, but 5 is larger, so option (3) is correct.
- Option (4) 5 and 6: Both 5 and 6 are greater than 4.24, so option (4) is not correct.
- Option (5) 17 and 19: Both 17 and 19 are much larger than 4.24, so option (5) is not correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (3) 4 and 5.


am I right ?