19.)Which answer best details the benefits of the Erie Canal?

A. Boats could move more quickly from New York City to Boston.

B. Boats could move more quickly from New york City to Washington.

C. Boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.***

D. Boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.



Yes, the correct answer is C - Boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

The Erie Canal is a historic waterway in New York State that connects the Hudson River to Lake Erie. To determine the benefits of the Erie Canal, we need to consider where it connects and how it affects the movement of boats.

Option A states that boats could move more quickly from New York City to Boston. While the Erie Canal does improve transportation within New York State, it does not directly connect New York City to Boston. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Option B suggests that boats could move more quickly from New York City to Washington. However, the Erie Canal does not connect to Washington or any major waterways leading to Washington. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

Option D states that boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. The Erie Canal, however, does not connect to the Mississippi River or any waterways leading to it. Therefore, option D is also incorrect.

Option C accurately states that boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, specifically Lake Erie. The Erie Canal serves as a direct waterway for vessels to bypass the longer and more treacherous routes around the eastern coast and the St. Lawrence River. This allowed for quicker transportation of goods and increased trade between the Atlantic Ocean and the interior of North America.

Therefore, the best answer to the question is C - Boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.