A species of clam shows incomplete dominance in the expression of its shell color. RR is the genotype for red shell, Rr is genotype for an orange shell, and rr is the genotype for the yellow shell. Predict the outcome of a cross between an orange shelled clam and a yellowed shelled clam.

So i would be crossing Rr X rr correct?

And then uhh I am not sure if this is correct too, so if you can check for me.

R r
r Rr rr
r Rr rr

Is that correct?

If it is correct, does this mean there will be 2 orange and 2 yellow because of it?

Rr x rr


two orange, two yellow.

what are the chances of a child with a square body?


Yes, you are correct. The cross between an orange-shelled clam (Rr) and a yellow-shelled clam (rr) would be represented as Rr x rr.

To determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring, we can use a Punnett square.

The Punnett square for this cross would be:

R r
r Rr rr

The possible genotypes of the offspring would be Rr (orange shell) and rr (yellow shell). However, it's important to note that the expression of shell color in this species of clam shows incomplete dominance.

Incomplete dominance means that the heterozygous genotype (Rr) will exhibit an intermediate phenotype. In this case, the orange shell color is the result of incomplete dominance between the red shell color (RR) and the yellow shell color (rr).

Therefore, in this cross, you would expect to see 50% of the offspring with orange shells and 50% with yellow shells.

Yes, you are correct that you would be crossing an orange shelled clam (genotype Rr) with a yellow shelled clam (genotype rr).

When you cross these two genotypes, you can use a Punnett square to determine the possible offspring genotypes and phenotypes. The Punnett square is a simple grid with the gametes from one parent on the top and the gametes from the other parent on the side.

The genotypes for the orange shelled clam (Rr) would produce two different gametes: R and r. The genotypes for the yellow shelled clam (rr) would only produce one type of gamete: r.

Using the Punnett square, you can place the possible gametes from the orange shelled clam (Rr) on the top and the possible gametes from the yellow shelled clam (rr) on the side:

R r
r Rr rr

By combining the gametes in the square, you can determine the potential genotypes of the offspring. In this case, you would get two different genotypes: Rr and rr.

To determine the phenotypes, you need to refer back to the incomplete dominance pattern mentioned. In this case, the red genotype (RR) produces red shell color, the heterozygous genotype (Rr) produces orange shell color, and the yellow genotype (rr) produces yellow shell color.

So, the outcome of crossing an orange shelled clam (Rr) with a yellow shelled clam (rr) would result in offspring with both orange (Rr) and yellow (rr) shells. In this case, there would be 2 orange and 2 yellow offspring.