13.)Which answer best explains how slavery was an issue in relation to the Mexican-American War?

A.)The spread in slave trading to Asia caused disagreements amongst Americans.

B.)There was a great deal of disagreement over whether slaves should fight in the war.

C.)The United States and Mexico disagreed over who had ownership of slaves that lived in Texas.***

D.)Americans disagreed over whether slavery should be allowed in the land gained during the war.

Is it C?, my mom says D?, i think im corrected

You are not correct. Your mom is.


If your Connexus text materials are not clear, or are wrong (as they may be), read this:


I did the test, it's not C.

The answer is D (for any future reference).

The correct answer in this case is C) The United States and Mexico disagreed over who had ownership of slaves that lived in Texas.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down the other options:

A) The spread in slave trading to Asia caused disagreements amongst Americans. This option is not directly related to the Mexican-American War. The issue of slave trading to Asia is not specific to this conflict.

B) There was a great deal of disagreement over whether slaves should fight in the war. While there may have been disagreements over this topic, it does not directly address the issue of slavery's relation to the Mexican-American War.

D) Americans disagreed over whether slavery should be allowed in the land gained during the war. This answer is close but not entirely accurate. While there were debates and disagreements over the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories during the Mexican-American War, the specific issue in this context is not about whether slavery should be allowed in the gained land, but rather about the ownership of slaves in Texas.

Now let's focus on option C. The United States and Mexico disagreed over who had ownership of slaves that lived in Texas. This answer directly addresses the issue of slavery in relation to the Mexican-American War. The dispute over slavery in Texas was one of the key factors that led to tensions between the United States and Mexico and ultimately played a role in the outbreak of the war.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) The United States and Mexico disagreed over who had ownership of slaves that lived in Texas.