Give a real-world scenario in which you would write an inequality rather than an equation.

carla wants to buy 2 apples, but first she needs to know how much each apple cost so she doesn't spend more than 10 dollars.

2A/2= 10/2
is this a good problem?

Ms.Sue is this good?


But isn't $5.00 per apple pretty expensive?

Yes, this is a good problem for using an inequality. In this scenario, Carla wants to ensure that she doesn't spend more than $10 on two apples. To write an inequality for this situation, we can let "A" represent the cost of one apple. Since Carla wants to buy two apples, the total cost should be less than or equal to $10. Therefore, the inequality would be:

2A ≤ 10

Solving this inequality, we can divide both sides by 2 to isolate the variable "A":

2A/2 ≤ 10/2
A ≤ 5

The solution to the inequality is A ≤ 5, which means that each apple must cost $5 or less for Carla to stay within her budget.