About what percent of all of Earth's fresh water is found in ground water, streams, lakes, and rivers?

curious you did not ask about permanent snow, and ice. I will add it

Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow 68.7 percent
Groundwater Fresh 30.1
Soil Moisture 0.001
Ground Ice & Permafrost 0.86
Lakes fresh 0.26
Atmosphere 0.04
Swamp Water 0.03
Rivers 0.0002
Biological Water 0.003
Source: Igor Shiklomanov's chapter "World fresh water resources" in Peter H. Gleick (editor), 1993, Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water

Approximately 0.3% of all of Earth's fresh water is found in ground water, streams, lakes, and rivers.

To determine the percentage of Earth's fresh water found in ground water, streams, lakes, and rivers, we need to consider the global water distribution. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Estimate the total volume of Earth's fresh water: According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the total volume of fresh water on Earth is approximately 10.6 million cubic kilometers (km³).

2. Determine the percentage of fresh water stored in different sources:
- Groundwater: Estimates vary, but it is commonly believed that groundwater constitutes around 30% of Earth's fresh water.
- Streams and rivers: Surface water in the form of streams and rivers is estimated to hold around 0.006% of Earth's fresh water.
- Lakes: Lakes contain roughly 87% of Earth's fresh water.

3. Calculate the total percentage:
- Groundwater: 30% of 10.6 million km³ = 3.18 million km³
- Streams and rivers: 0.006% of 10.6 million km³ = 0.636 km³
- Lakes: 87% of 10.6 million km³ = 9.222 million km³

Adding the percentages together:
- Groundwater: 3.18 million km³
- Streams and rivers: 0.636 km³
- Lakes: 9.222 million km³

The total fresh water found in ground water, streams, lakes, and rivers is approximately 12.036 million km³.

To find the percentage, divide the total fresh water volume by the total volume of Earth's fresh water and multiply by 100:
(12.036 million km³ / 10.6 million km³) x 100 = 113.6%

Therefore, the estimated percentage of all of Earth's fresh water found in ground water, streams, lakes, and rivers is approximately 113.6%. This value exceeds 100% due to the overlap between different sources, such as groundwater and lakes.