4.)When two or more atoms of the same of the same element are in a chemical bond, the substance is called a(n)________


Am I'm correct?

BUT My mom disagree's and says C?, isn't she wrong?

1) b 2)d 3)c 4)b

i still need to know the answer what is it.............

They're right ^

I is B. O2 is a molecule. N2 is a molecule.

It is B, molecule. I have NO idea how your mom thinks it's a Nucleus. A Nucleus is the control center of a cell.

is it really B????????????

Aye thanks 'ur welcome bishes'

THANKS ur welcome bishes I needed this grade so bad and thanks to you I got 100%

You are correct, the answer is B) Molecule.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the definition of the terms mentioned in the question.

A compound is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more different elements.

A molecule, on the other hand, refers to a group of two or more atoms chemically bonded together, which can be of the same element or different elements.

Nucleus refers to the central part of an atom, which contains protons and neutrons. It is not the correct answer in this context.

Particle is a more general term and does not specifically refer to the arrangement of atoms in a chemical bond.

In this case, since the question asks specifically about two or more atoms of the same element, the correct answer is B) Molecule.

If your mom disagrees and thinks the answer is C) Nucleus, she is incorrect. You can explain the definition of each term to her and clarify why the answer is B) Molecule in this situation.