2.)Which of the following are pure substances?

A.)Chocolate Milk
B.)Orange Juice
C.)Sea Water***
D.)Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)


WAIT NO I MENT D!, Am im right?

Glad you changed it.

To determine which of the options are pure substances, we need to understand what a pure substance is. A pure substance is a form of matter that has a uniform and definite composition, meaning it is made up of only one type of particle.

From the given options:
A) Chocolate Milk: Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk and chocolate syrup. As it is a mixture, it is not a pure substance.

B) Orange Juice: Orange juice is a liquid extracted from oranges. Like chocolate milk, it is also a mixture and not a pure substance.

C) Sea Water: Sea water is a combination of water and various dissolved substances, such as salts. Despite being a mixture, it can still be considered a pure substance, specifically a homogeneous mixture.

D) Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the molecular formula H2O2. It is a pure substance since it consists of only one type of molecule.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Sea Water and D) Hydrogen Peroxide.