What areas of British North America seemed most vulnerable to American expansion?

To which time period do you refer? Check this site.


it was the Expansion of the United States of America

what does vulnerable even mean??:|

The United States expanded from 1776 until the incorporation of Alaska and Hawaii as states in 1959.

Susceptible to attack: "We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army" (Alexander Hamilton).


hello??? plz help me!!!!!!!!!! what does vulnerable mean????

but that makes no sense!!! im not talking about the United States expanding!! im talking about British North America!!

wait... are those the same thing???:|

Your question asks why Americans wanted to expand into British North America (now known as eastern Canada).

thank u!:DDDDD sorry about that lil mix up. i have another one! sorry to bother u.

What were the advantages of free tradfe and reciprocity to the colonies of british north america? What were the disadvantages?

To determine the areas of British North America that seemed most vulnerable to American expansion, we can consider several factors such as geography, demographics, and historical context. Here's how you can analyze and understand which areas were more susceptible:

1. Geography: Look at the proximity of different British North American territories to the American states. Areas closer to the American border were generally more susceptible to expansion due to geographic accessibility.

2. Demographics: Assess the demographics of the regions, particularly the presence of American settlers or communities. Areas with a higher concentration of American settlers were more likely to be potential targets for expansion.

3. Historical context: Consider the historical background and events that could have influenced the vulnerability of certain areas. Factors such as previous territorial disputes, conflicts, or negotiations between Britain and the United States can shed light on which territories were more likely to be targeted.

4. Strategic importance: Determine the strategic importance of specific territories for both British North America and the United States. Areas with valuable resources or significant military positions were more likely targets for expansion.

5. Political climate: Examine the political climate of both British North America and the United States during the period. Political tensions, ideological differences, or ambitions for territorial expansion could make certain areas more vulnerable.

By considering these factors, you can identify which areas of British North America seemed most vulnerable to American expansion.