Choose the letter of the word or phrase best matches the word in italics.

The campfire was visible *glimmering* between the trees.
Answers are
Intermittently conspicuously

I think it is weakly.

The best match for the word "glimmering" would be answer Choice C: Brightly.

To determine the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics, we need to understand the meaning of the word "glimmering." Glimmering means to shine faintly or flicker. Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

1. Intermittently: This means occurring at irregular intervals or sporadically. While a campfire can indeed flicker intermittently, this answer choice does not fully capture the meaning of "glimmering."

2. Intermittently conspicuously: This answer choice combines the meaning of "intermittently" with "conspicuously," meaning something that stands out or is easily noticed. However, the word "conspicuously" does not align with the subtle or faint nature of "glimmering."

3. Brightly: This word means shining with a strong intensity of light. Unlike "glimmering," which suggests a faint or flickering light, "brightly" signifies a strong and consistent illumination. Therefore, "brightly" does not match the word in italics accurately.

4. Weakly: This word signifies something that is feeble or lacking strength. Since "glimmering" reflects a slight, flickering light, "weakly" is a suitable word to describe the campfire visible between the trees.

Given these options, the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics would be "Weakly."

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