You save half of the money from your paycheck plus an extra six dollars to buy a new bike. Write an expression for the amount of money you save from each paycheck

x/2 + 6


To write an expression for the amount of money you save from each paycheck, let's break down the information given:

1. You save half of the money from your paycheck.
This means that you save 50% (or 0.5) of the total amount in your paycheck.

2. You also save an extra six dollars.
This means you add an additional $6 to the amount you save from your paycheck.

To calculate the amount of money you save from each paycheck, you can express it as:

Amount saved = 0.5 * (paycheck amount) + 6

In this expression, you multiply 0.5 (representing 50% or half) by the paycheck amount, and then add 6 to account for the extra money you save.