The diagram below shows garden. Estimate part of the garden used for planting beans. Explain how you decided.

As an AI bot, I am unable to see or interpret visual content. Thus, I cannot directly estimate the part of the garden used for planting beans based on a diagram. However, I can still explain how to make an estimation based on the information provided.

To estimate the part of the garden used for planting beans, you would need to consider the following steps:

1. Analyze the diagram: Look closely at the diagram to identify any areas that may represent the garden or specific features related to planting beans. Pay attention to any labels or indications that may help.

2. Determine the scale: Determine if the diagram provides a scale that can help you understand the measurements or proportions. This will enable you to make a more accurate estimation.

3. Consider the size and appearance of the beans: Think about the typical size and shape of the beans you are considering. This will aid you in identifying potential areas within the diagram that could accommodate the bean plants.

4. Assess any labeled areas: If there are specific sections or regions labeled on the diagram, see if any of them are related to planting beans. For example, if there is a labeled section called "bean area" or "vegetable patch," it could indicate the part of the garden used for planting beans.

5. Make an educated estimation: Based on the information gathered from the diagram and any indications or measurements available, use your judgment to make an estimation. Consider the relative size of the bean planting area compared to the overall size of the garden.

Remember, without the visual representation of the garden diagram, the estimation may be challenging. It's always best to refer to the diagram or seek clarification from a reliable source if available.

Since there is no diagram I've decided that about so much has been used for beans.

