Which sentence uses an infinitive as a noun?

A) The best movie to watch is coming on TV tonight at 9:00.
B) Phil wanted to play video games, but he finished his homework first.
C) The cheerleaders traveled to the away games to cheer for the football team.
D) Rachel is the kind of girl who is always happy to help anyone who needs it.
I believe it is C. but I could be wrong.

No, not C. The word "to" is being used as a preposition in that sentence. (prepositional phrase = to the away games)

Study this carefully and re-think. We will check only one more answer for you.

I just did the question and got it right, it is B

Close, but still incorrect.

In A, "to watch" is being used as an adjective, modifying the subject "movie."

No not a its D.

okay I got it I think my final answer is B.

To determine which sentence uses an infinitive as a noun, we need to understand the function and structure of an infinitive. An infinitive is the base form of a verb, typically preceded by the word "to." It can function as a verb, a noun, or an adjective.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A) "The best movie to watch is coming on TV tonight at 9:00."
In this sentence, the infinitive "to watch" functions as an adjective modifying the noun "movie." Therefore, it does not use an infinitive as a noun.

B) "Phil wanted to play video games, but he finished his homework first."
Here, the infinitive "to play" functions as part of the verb phrase "wanted to play." It is not used as a noun.

C) "The cheerleaders traveled to the away games to cheer for the football team."
In this sentence, the infinitive "to cheer" is used as a noun. It acts as the direct object of the verb "to traveled," indicating the purpose of the action. Therefore, this sentence does use an infinitive as a noun.

D) "Rachel is the kind of girl who is always happy to help anyone who needs it."
In this option, the infinitive "to help" functions as part of the adjective phrase "happy to help." It modifies the noun "girl" and is not used as a noun itself.

Based on the analysis, your initial belief is correct. The sentence that uses an infinitive as a noun is option C: "The cheerleaders traveled to the away games to cheer for the football team."