Mohan travels at 20m/s from home and returns back at 25m/s.Find his average velocity for the entire journey?

Velocity=displacement/thine taken

In the above case Mohan has returned to its initial point after traveling, so since displacement is 0 (zero), velocity will also be 0 (zero).


QUESTION=Mohan travels at 20m/s from home and returns back at 25m/s.Find his average velocity for the entire journey

ANSWER=Initial velocity=20m/s
Final velocity=25m/s

average velocity=initial velocity+finalvelocity upon 2
average velocity=20+25upon2 45upon2=22.5

Oops. My bad. No displacement, no average velocity. Trick question, it's zero.

Verified answer

Average velocity=0
Mohan travelled from home to market and also returns to his home.So dispalcement will become 0.
Average velocity=Displacement/total time

This is a very bad question ever Infact tomorrow I will fail in physics I am sure.. HAIAISHAKAKAK

We know avg velocity is displacement 1+displacement 2/ Time 1 + time 2

Here as he returns to his home from market it is a zero displacement....
Hence anything divided by zero is a zero

To find the average velocity for the entire journey, we need to calculate the total displacement and the total time taken.

Total displacement can be found by subtracting the initial position from the final position. In this case, the initial position and final position are the same because Mohan returns back to his home. Therefore, the total displacement is 0.

The total time taken is the sum of the time taken for the outbound journey and the time taken for the return journey. We can find the time taken for each journey by dividing the total distance traveled by the speed.

Let's calculate the time taken for each journey:

For the outbound journey:
Distance traveled = Total distance / 2 (since the return journey covers the same distance)
Speed = 20 m/s
Time taken = Distance traveled / Speed = (Total distance / 2) / 20 = Total distance / 40

For the return journey:
Distance traveled = Total distance / 2 (since the outbound journey covers the same distance)
Speed = 25 m/s
Time taken = Distance traveled / Speed = (Total distance / 2) / 25 = Total distance / 50

The total time taken for the entire journey is the sum of the time taken for the outbound journey and the time taken for the return journey:
Total time taken = (Total distance / 40) + (Total distance / 50) = (5/200) * Total distance

Since the total displacement is 0, the average velocity is given by:
Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time taken = 0 / [(5/200) * Total distance] = 0

Therefore, the average velocity for the entire journey is 0.

Initial velocity= 20m/s

Final velocity = 25m/s
Let the displacement from home to market be x metre.
So, total displacement = x+x= 2x m
Time taken to travel from home to market = x/20 s
Time taken to return back= x/25 s
. : total time taken =(x/20+x/25)s=9x/ 100
Thus; Average velocity = total displacement/ total time taken
=) 2x ( total displacement )/ (9x/100)(time taken)
=) 2x÷9x/100
=)2x × 100/ 9x
=)200/9 (x got cancelled)
=) 22.222222222......metre
=) 22.3 metre(approx.)

mohan travels at 20m/s from home to market and returns at 25m/s find his average velocity for the entire journey