Help, Please!

I don't quite understand what is asking in this assignment (Essay)

Task: Write an essay that compares Frankenstein and his creation to a modern zombie story with the focus on how a monster might be used as a metaphor for science or scientific advances and/or how such a metaphor could be considered social commentary about science.

Do you know what a metaphor is?

What the assignment is asking you to do is to see the Frankenstein monster and zombies as metaphors for science that goes bad and creates something unintended -- or science being misused for evil purposes.

Okay, but each one of them: 1 Frankenstein 2 Zombie, will have its own body paragraph or not?

I think you need to discuss how Ms. Shelley's "Frankenstein monster" and zombies are similar, and different. The Frankenstein monster is a creation of a man; zombies are the "undead" and beyond the control of mankind, but both are anomalies that are quite impossible in the real world, and both frightening BECAUSE they are not subject to normal societal control.

Sure, I can help you understand the task. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Topic: The topic of the essay is comparing Frankenstein and his creation to a modern zombie story. You need to find a modern zombie story that you can use for comparison. For example, you could choose "The Walking Dead" or "World War Z." The focus of your comparison should be on how a monster (either Frankenstein or the zombie) can be seen as a metaphor for science or scientific advances.

2. Metaphor for Science: Your essay should explore how the monster in the chosen zombie story represents science or scientific advances. Think about how the monster is created through experimentation or scientific manipulation. Consider the consequences of these actions and how they relate to real-world concerns about science's potential to go too far or have unintended consequences.

3. Social Commentary about Science: Additionally, your essay should examine how the metaphor of the monster in the zombie story can be seen as social commentary about science. Look for themes or messages that the story conveys about society's relationship with science. For instance, the zombie apocalypse in many stories reflects fears or criticisms of modern society's reliance on technology or its potential dangers. Analyze how the monster character reflects these broader social concerns and sheds light on potential ethical or moral dilemmas related to scientific progress.

To complete the assignment:

1. Research: Start by reading or watching the chosen zombie story and taking notes on relevant themes, characters, and events. Additionally, familiarize yourself with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein if you haven't already. Understand the context behind Shelley's writing and the themes she explored.

2. Identify Similarities and Differences: Make a list of the similarities and differences between Frankenstein and the zombie story. Focus on how the monsters are created, their characteristics, and their impact on society. Look for metaphors or symbolic representations that connect these monsters to science or scientific advances.

3. Formulate Your Thesis Statement: Based on your analysis, develop a clear thesis statement that summarizes your main argument or point of view. For example, "Both Frankenstein and the zombie in 'The Walking Dead' serve as metaphors for science's potential dangers, highlighting society's ethical responsibilities in pursuing scientific progress."

4. Outline: Create an essay outline to organize your thoughts and arguments. Divide your essay into sections that address the specific points you want to make. Each section can focus on different aspects of the comparison, such as the creation process, the consequences, and the social commentary.

5. Write the Essay: Start writing your essay, following the outline you created. Make sure to provide evidence and examples to support your arguments. Reference specific scenes or events from both Frankenstein and the zombie story to illustrate your points. Use quotes and analysis to delve deeper into the metaphors and social commentary.

6. Revise and Edit: Once you have completed the essay, review it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Make sure your ideas flow well and are effectively communicated. Consider seeking feedback from a peer or teacher to get another perspective on your work.

Remember to always consult the assignment guidelines and clarify any specific requirements with your teacher if needed. Good luck with your essay!