in greatest to least what is 0.1 0.125 and 0.12? i cant figure it out i think you need to convert to fractions im just not sure.

No, it's not necessary to convert to fractions.

Think of these decimals as money.
0.10 = ten cents
0.125 = twelve and a half cents
0.12 = twelve cents






Of course Iā€™m not stupid

By your mom

Poopy flip flops

To compare and arrange decimals from greatest to least, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Look at the leftmost digit (hundredths place) in each decimal. In this case, the digits are 1, 1, and 1.

Step 2: Since the leftmost digit is the same for all three decimals, move to the next digit (thousandths place) for comparison. The digits are 0, 2, and 0.

Step 3: Now, you can see that 0.125 has the highest digit in the thousandths place, making it the greatest decimal.

Step 4: Next, compare the remaining decimals by their thousandths place. Since both 0.1 and 0.12 have a 0 in this place, we move on to the next digit (ten thousandths place) for comparison.

Step 5: The digit in the ten thousandths place of 0.1 is 0, and the digit in the ten thousandths place of 0.12 is 2. Therefore, 0.12 is greater than 0.1.

To summarize, in greatest to least order, the decimals 0.125, 0.12, and 0.1 would be:

0.125 > 0.12 > 0.1

No need to convert the decimals into fractions for this particular comparison.


Duh lol šŸ˜‚