rachel is flying a kite.she lets out 70 yard string. The kite angle of elevation from the ground is 68 degree. How high is the kite?

review your basic trig functions. draw a diagram. You will see that

h/70 = sin 68°

To determine the height of the kite, we can use trigonometry. The angle of elevation represents the angle formed between the line of sight from the observer (Rachel) to the kite and the horizontal ground level.

Since we have the string's length (70 yards) and the angle of elevation (68 degrees), we can use the trigonometric function tangent (tan) to find the height of the kite. The formula to calculate the height is:

Height = String Length * tan(Angle of Elevation)

Now, let's plug in the values:

Height = 70 yards * tan(68 degrees)

To use tangent, we need to convert the angle from degrees to radians. The conversion formula is:

Radians = Degrees * π / 180

Converting 68 degrees to radians:

Radians = 68 * π / 180

Now we can substitute the value into the formula:

Height = 70 yards * tan(68 * π / 180)

Calculating the value using a scientific calculator:

Height ≈ 165.8 yards

Therefore, the kite is approximately 165.8 yards high.