1.Would fraction notation for 38%

be 19/50 ?

2.Would percent notation for 0.382
be 38.2%

3.Would percent notation for 2/3
be 66.6 (with 6 keep repeating)?

Yes, yes, yes

Yes, the fraction notation for 38% is 19/50. To understand how to get this answer, you need to know that percent represents a fraction out of 100. So, to convert a percentage to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and simplify if possible.

In this case, 38% divided by 100 is 0.38. To simplify the fraction, you can remove the decimal point and divide both the numerator and denominator by 2, resulting in 19/50.

Yes, the percent notation for 0.382 is 38.2%. To get this answer, you need to move the decimal point two places to the right to convert the decimal to a percentage. So, 0.382 becomes 38.2%.

Yes, the percent notation for 2/3 is 66.6 (with 6 repeating). To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal form of the fraction. In this case, 2 divided by 3 is approximately 0.666. To express this as a percentage, multiply by 100 to get 66.6%. Since the decimal has a repeating pattern of 6, we indicate this by placing a bar over the repeating digit, resulting in 66.6 (with 6 repeating).