Kelly drives from town A to town B WITH an average speed of 30mph the journey takes her 2 hours 15 minus to get from town A to B .whats is the distance between the tow towns ?

D = rt = 30 * 2.25 = ?


To find the distance between the two towns, we can use the formula: Distance = Speed x Time.

Average speed = 30 mph
Time taken = 2 hours 15 minutes

First, convert the time into hours.
2 hours 15 minutes = 2.25 hours (15 minutes divided by 60 gives 0.25 hours)

Now, use the formula to find the distance:
Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 30 mph x 2.25 hours
Distance = 67.5 miles

Therefore, the distance between the two towns, town A and town B, is 67.5 miles.