How would a scientist use DNA or protein sequences from three different organisms to construct a cladogram?

need help!!! how do I do this??

You can't spell biology. Smh

Clanogram is a diagram showing cladistic relationship between a number of species . Scientist would use DNA or protein sequences taken from three different organisms to construct a cladogram because , It can be facilitated by cell - surface proteins that recognized DNA. All 3 are parasites or an organism.

Constructing a cladogram involves comparing DNA or protein sequences from different organisms to determine their evolutionary relationships. Here are the steps a scientist would typically follow:

1. Obtain DNA or protein sequences: Gather DNA or protein sequences from three different organisms of interest. These sequences can be obtained from databases or generated through laboratory techniques like DNA sequencing.

2. Align the sequences: Use bioinformatics tools or software to align the sequences. This involves arranging the sequences in a way that allows for direct comparison.

3. Identify similarities and differences: Analyze the aligned sequences to identify similarities and differences between the organisms. Look for regions where the sequences share similar nucleotides or amino acids (similarities) and areas where they differ (differences).

4. Determine character states: Assign character states to each similarity or difference observed. For DNA sequences, this typically involves assigning specific nucleotides (A, T, C, G), while for protein sequences, it involves assigning specific amino acids.

5. Assign outgroups: Select an outgroup, which is a species or organism that is believed to be least closely related to the others being analyzed. The outgroup is used as a reference point to determine the ancestral character states.

6. Construct a tree: Using specialized software or phylogenetic algorithms, build a tree or cladogram based on the character states assigned to each sequence. The tree will represent the hypothesized evolutionary relationships between the organisms.

7. Analyze the cladogram: Examine the resulting cladogram to understand the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. Common features such as similarities between close relatives and shared derived traits can help interpret the branching patterns.

8. Further analysis: The cladogram can be refined and expanded by adding more organisms or using additional genetic markers for a more comprehensive analysis.

Remember, constructing a cladogram is a complex process that requires expertise in bioinformatics and evolutionary biology. It is often conducted by scientists with specialized knowledge and training in the field.

Constructing a cladogram involves analyzing the similarities and differences in DNA or protein sequences among different organisms to understand their evolutionary relationships. Here's a step-by-step guide on how a scientist would use DNA or protein sequences from three organisms to construct a cladogram:

1. Obtain DNA or protein sequences: Scientists can obtain the DNA or protein sequences of the three organisms through various methods such as DNA sequencing or protein expression analysis.

2. Align the sequences: The next step is to align the DNA or protein sequences to identify the regions that are similar among the three organisms. This can be done using bioinformatics tools or software that allow for sequence alignment.

3. Identify shared characteristics: After aligning the sequences, scientists will compare them to identify shared characteristics or similarities. These shared characteristics can be specific nucleotide or amino acid sequences that are present in all three organisms, indicating a common ancestor.

4. Determine differences: Scientists will also identify any differences or variations in the sequences. These differences can be variations in nucleotide or amino acid composition, insertions, deletions, or substitutions. These differences help to differentiate the organisms from each other.

5. Create a matrix: Based on the shared characteristics and differences, a matrix is created. This matrix represents the presence or absence of specific characteristics in each organism. The matrix can be in the form of a table or a binary sequence where "1" indicates the presence of a characteristic and "0" represents its absence.

6. Analyze the matrix: The matrix is then used to build a phylogenetic tree, also known as a cladogram. This is done using various computational methods such as maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, or Bayesian inference. These methods calculate the most likely evolutionary relationships between the three organisms based on their shared characteristics and differences.

7. Construct the cladogram: The output of the analysis is a cladogram, which is a diagram representing the evolutionary relationships among the three organisms. The cladogram shows the branching pattern, indicating common ancestors and the sequence of divergence.

It's important to note that this process can be more complex when working with a larger number of organisms or using more intricate sequence data. Additionally, the accuracy of the cladogram depends on the quality of the data, the alignment process, and the analysis methods used.