Given T=RV,find R If T=4 and V=8

T = RV

4 = 8R
4/8 = R
1/2 = R

4 = R * 8

so R is 1/2
because one half of eight is four

ah well, every time I clean my computer I get anonymous again :)

To find the value of R when T=4 and V=8 in the equation T=RV, we can substitute the given values into the equation and solve for R.

The equation T=RV represents a multiplication relationship between T, R, and V. In this equation, T is the product of R and V.

Given T=4 and V=8, we substitute these values into the equation:

4 = R * 8

To isolate R, we need to divide both sides of the equation by V. Since V=8 in this case, we divide both sides by 8:

4/8 = R * (8/8)
1/2 = R

Therefore, when T=4 and V=8, R is equal to 1/2 or 0.5.