A democracy may be defined by the political principle that the government is created by, derives its powers from, and exists to serve the people.

According to this statement, which of the following is inconsistent with a democratic form of government?

(1) The citizens of a democracy are protected by a constitution that guarantees basic rights.
(2) Every citizen is treated equally under the law.
(3) The government represses minority opinions.
(4) The majority may express its views in elections.
(5) All citizens have the right to a fair trial.
my answer would be 3

You are correct.

thank you so much Reed :)

You're welcome!

To determine which of the given options is inconsistent with a democratic form of government based on the provided definition, let's analyze each option:

(1) The citizens of a democracy are protected by a constitution that guarantees basic rights.
This option aligns with the definition of democracy since it mentions the protection of citizens' basic rights, which is a fundamental characteristic of democratic governance.

(2) Every citizen is treated equally under the law.
This option also aligns with the definition of democracy as it emphasizes the principle of equality under the law, which is a fundamental democratic principle.

(3) The government represses minority opinions.
This option is inconsistent with a democratic form of government. Democracy involves protecting the rights and opinions of all citizens, including minority opinions. Repressing minority opinions contradicts democratic principles.

(4) The majority may express its views in elections.
This option aligns with the definition of democracy since it mentions that the majority has the right to express its views through elections. Majority rule is a key aspect of democratic decision-making.

(5) All citizens have the right to a fair trial.
This option aligns with the definition of democracy as it highlights the importance of providing all citizens with the right to a fair trial, which is a vital principle of democratic governance.

Based on the analysis, option (3) "The government represses minority opinions" is inconsistent with a democratic form of government.