Story- clever daughter

5. Why does the magistrate use a riddle to decide the case? Use two details to support your answer

The magistrate uses a riddle to decide the case because he wants to give a fair chance to both the farmer and the shepherd.

The magistrate uses a riddle to decide the case because it allows him to test the intelligence and cleverness of the individuals involved. Two details to support this answer are:

1. In the story, the father brings the magistrate his daughter, claiming she has committed a crime. However, the daughter argues that she is innocent. The magistrate is faced with a difficult decision, as he has no evidence or witnesses to determine the truth. Therefore, he decides to present a riddle to both the father and the daughter, hoping to gauge their intelligence and see who can provide a clever answer.

2. The riddle that the magistrate poses to them is a complex one, requiring careful thought and a keen intellect to solve. He says, "I have a question, and if one of you can answer it correctly, I shall know who is telling the truth. What goes up a hill on four legs, but comes down on three?" By asking this riddle, the magistrate provides an opportunity for the daughter to demonstrate her cleverness in solving the puzzle, which would indicate her innocence.

In summary, the magistrate uses a riddle in order to evaluate the intelligence and quick-thinking abilities of the father and daughter, since he lacks other means to determine the truth of the case.

I don't know this story. The only one I can find with that title is a Russian fairy tale, retold in a 1931 book which is under copyright so not available for free on line.

You can figure this out, though. Re-read the story and look for hints about the reason the judge uses a riddle, then cite those details in your answer. Careful reading will let you find the answer.

Ok thank you

Nah yall all wrong the answer is your mom