what compounds (fats, starch, protein and simple sugar) do the following foods have?

Whole milk
Chocolate chip cookies

To determine the compounds present in each of the listed foods, we can analyze their composition based on the common compounds found in those food categories.

1. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is primarily composed of starch, a complex carbohydrate. Additionally, it contains some protein and dietary fiber but minimal fat content and simple sugars.

2. Margarine:
Margarine is generally made from vegetable oils and contains fats as the primary compound. Most margarines also contain a small amount of protein and may have added vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants.

3. Salmon:
Salmon is a type of fish that is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, specifically omega-3 fatty acids. It contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates and sugars.

4. Whole milk:
Whole milk contains a combination of different compounds. It mainly consists of water but also contains significant amounts of proteins, fats (including saturated and unsaturated fats), lactose (a simple sugar), minerals, and vitamins.

5. Chocolate chip cookies:
Chocolate chip cookies typically have a base of flour, which contains starch, a complex carbohydrate. They also contain fats from butter or shortening, added sugars such as brown sugar or granulated sugar, protein from eggs, and of course, chocolate chips.

6. Peach:
Peaches are a type of fruit that contains a variety of compounds. They have natural sugars like fructose, glucose, and sucrose. They also contain dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, they have minimal amounts of fats and proteins.

It's important to note that the exact composition of these foods may vary depending on the specific brand, recipe, or preparation methods used.