Use this percentage to calculate the mass of fluorine (in g) contained in 54.0 g of copper (II) fluoride.

%F = (atomic mass F/molar mass CuF2)*100 = ?

Then g F in 54.0 g CuF2 = 54.0 x %F/100 = ? g F.

To calculate the mass of fluorine in copper (II) fluoride, we need to know the percentage of fluorine in the compound. Please provide the percentage of fluorine in copper (II) fluoride.

To calculate the mass of fluorine (F) contained in copper (II) fluoride (CuF2), we need to use the given percentage and the mass of copper (II) fluoride.

Let's start by calculating the percentage of fluorine in copper (II) fluoride. Suppose the percentage is given as X%.

Step 1: Convert the mass of copper (II) fluoride (given in grams) to moles.

To do this, we need to know the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride (CuF2). The molar mass of copper (Cu) is 63.55 g/mol, and the molar mass of fluorine (F) is 18.998 g/mol.

The molar mass of copper (II) fluoride is:
(63.55 g/mol for copper) + (2 * 18.998 g/mol for fluorine)

Step 2: Calculate the moles of copper (II) fluoride.

Moles of copper (II) fluoride = Mass of copper (II) fluoride / Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride

Step 3: Calculate the mass of fluorine.

Mass of fluorine = Moles of copper (II) fluoride * (2 * 18.998 g/mol for fluorine)

Finally, let's substitute the given values into the formula.

Mass of copper (II) fluoride (CuF2) = 54.0 g
Percentage of fluorine (F) = X%

Step 1:
Calculate the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride:
(63.55 g/mol for copper) + (2 * 18.998 g/mol for fluorine)

Step 2:
Calculate the moles of copper (II) fluoride:
Moles of copper (II) fluoride = 54.0 g / (molar mass of CuF2)

Step 3:
Calculate the mass of fluorine:
Mass of fluorine = Moles of copper (II) fluoride * (2 * 18.998 g/mol for fluorine)

By following these steps, you can calculate the mass of fluorine in grams contained in 54.0 g of copper (II) fluoride.
