A stone is whirled at the end of a rope 30cm long,makes 10 complete revolution in 2 seconds.find (1)the angular velocity in radians per seconds.(2)the linear speed (3)the distance

I need the answer

i need the calculation

need the answers

what is this example you to explant

number one answer

one revolution
titer =360°or 2pi rad

10 revolutions =10×2pi
angular velocity is titer/time
therefore 20pi /2 is=10pi

10pi is also equal to = 10 ×22/7 or 3.14
therefore the answer is =31.4

1) omega = 10 * 2pi/t

2) v = r omega
3) s = r * 10 * 2pi

I don't know that is why am asking

I Need The Answer To My Question Because I Don't Know How That 3.14 Came About

I need the answer

I need the answer to my question