I need an example or suggestion for a Controlled Experiment for a science presentation

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Physical science 6th grade

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Certainly! A controlled experiment is a scientific investigation with two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group is subjected to the independent variable (the factor being tested), while the control group remains unchanged to serve as a baseline for comparison. Here's an example of a controlled experiment for a science presentation:

Title: The Effect of Music on Plant Growth

Objective: To determine whether playing music has an impact on the growth of plants.

1. Select two identical plants of the same species and similar size.
2. Place one plant in a room where music is played for a certain period daily (experimental group).
3. Place the second plant in a different room where no music is played (control group).
4. Ensure that both plants receive the same amount of sunlight and water.
5. Record the plant's growth by measuring its height and number of leaves every week for four weeks.
6. Analyze and compare the data between the experimental and control groups.

Explanation: In this experiment, the independent variable is the presence or absence of music, while the dependent variable is the growth of plants (height and number of leaves). By having a control group without any exposure to music, we can compare it to the experimental group which receives music, thus allowing us to measure the potential effect of music on plant growth.

Remember, a controlled experiment ensures that the only difference between the two groups is the independent variable being tested, while keeping all other factors constant.