Ms. Gusciora is making salad dressing for a party. If 3/5 of the mixture in the measuring cup is olive oil, how many cups of oil does Ms. Gusciora use to make the salad dressing?


the answer is actully 1 and 1/2

I prefer Ms. Sue to help me answer this. :D

If this is the complete problem, then --

3/5 cup

Thanks so much!! :D

To solve this problem, you need to determine the number of cups of olive oil in the salad dressing.

Given that 3/5 of the mixture in the measuring cup is olive oil, we can set up a proportion to find the number of cups of olive oil.

Let's assume the total mixture in the measuring cup is represented by "x" cups.

According to the proportion:
3/5 = x cups of olive oil / total mixture

To find x, we can cross multiply:
3 * total mixture = 5 * x cups of olive oil

Simplifying the equation:
3 * total mixture = 5 * x
3/5 * total mixture = x

Since the question is asking for the number of cups of olive oil used, x represents the number of cups of olive oil in the salad dressing mixture.

Therefore, Ms. Gusciora uses 3/5 cups of olive oil to make the salad dressing for the party.