what compounds (fats, starch, protein and simple sugar) do the following foods have?

Whole milk
Chocolate chip cookies

To determine the compounds present in each food, we can analyze the typical composition of these foods.

1. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal primarily contains starch and fiber, which are complex carbohydrates. These provide sustained energy. Oatmeal also contains some protein.

2. Margarine:
Margarine is primarily composed of fats. However, different types of margarine might have varying compositions. Some margarines may also contain small amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

3. Salmon:
Salmon is a type of fish that is a rich source of proteins, healthy fats (like omega-3 fatty acids), and vitamins such as vitamin D. It has very little or no carbohydrates.

4. Whole milk:
Whole milk contains a combination of different compounds. It contains proteins in the form of casein and whey. It also contains fats, primarily in the form of triglycerides, and lactose, which is a simple sugar.

5. Chocolate chip cookies:
Chocolate chip cookies are a combination of multiple ingredients. Common components include flour, which is a source of starch and some protein, fats (butter or oil), sugar (both simple and complex sugars), and chocolate chips, which can contain fats and sugar.

6. Peach:
Peaches primarily contain simple sugars, such as fructose and glucose. They also contain small amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Peaches are low in fats and proteins.

Please note that the composition of these foods may vary depending on brands, cooking methods, or additional ingredients used.